Some special characters.

This last section contains some text symbols which you can want to use in connection with the Diagram Macros.

The ``commutative diagram'' symbol can be produced by giving the command ++ and the ``adjoint'' symbol is obtained via the command ++.

Finally here are some commands for designing natural transformations, with or without name.

\Nat{F}{α}{G} F&alpha#alpha;G
\Binat{F}{α}{G}{β}{H} F&alpha#alpha;G&beta#beta;H

In the case of named natural transformations, the names of the functors and the natural transformations are processed in Math mode; thus do not include any $ sign for putting a mathematical symbol in those names. Here is how those symbols will be positioned in a line of text:

A$\displaystyle \nat$B$\displaystyle \binat$C